MemVerge at Bio-IT World 2021

The 20th annual Bio-IT World will highlight how Memory Machine software is accelerating discovery.


Sheraton Hotel, Boston, MA, USA. Virtual attendance is also available.

MemVerge Booth

Booth 426 – Attend one of several presentations scheduled each day at our booth and get an AT/CG t-shirt.

Interactive Discussion

Wednesday Sept. 22, 8:00am-9:00am:  Genomics Research at the Speed of Memory

MemVerge is accelerating discovery

    • Genomics research has experienced extra-exponential growth in data as more cells are studied across more modalities.
    • The growth of data is slowing down time-to-discovery with loading data from storage, executing code with IO to storage, and single-threaded apps the main bottlenecks.
    • Big Memory Computing consists of DRAM, persistent memory, and memory virtualization software working together to accelerate time-to-discovery
    • Analytic pipelines using Big Memory load terabytes of data in seconds, execute code with zero IO to storage, and use in-memory snapshots to transform single-threaded into multi-threaded pipelines.
    • Analytical Biosciences, Penn State University, and TGen are 3 case studies demonstrate extra-exponential growth in data, a reduction in time-to-discovery up to 60%, and power of in-memory data services.

If you are not going to attend this event but would like to learn more about Big Memory Computing, Memory Machine software, and accelerating discovery, contact us for a demonstration.

Visit the MemVerge Booth at Bio-IT World and get an AT/CG t-shirt!